Friday, June 18, 2010

slideshow of wildfire damage at Twilight

Yesterday I hiked up the mountain with my camera to get a better idea of the wildfire damage... including the consequences of fire fighting and bull dozer work. I was so sad to see many burnt oak trees and stumps... and two large pines burnt so badly that they may not recover.

The slideshow below gives an overall view of the fire damage, both inside the compound where the outbuildings, orchards & gardens reside; as well as outside the compound where the natural habitat was/is being preserved... A new fire map will have to be drawn as the fire extended out far more than i had originally thought.

Last night, we finished off the electrical work on the well house and this morning the inspector signed his seal of approval... The electrical company is due out soon and I am told, they will be replacing the entire transformer as well as all the wiring to the well house.

Its going to be quite a job to figure out a realistic financial goal to help restore and recover from wildfire damage here. I hope to get started on a list of damages shortly... in the meantime... I am going to set a $2000 Chip In fundraiser below... for those of you wishing to help sooner rather than later. An accounting will be posted here as soon as I can.



  1. Sending good thoughts and all the best of vibes for things to look up! Will share the chip in event on the EFA blog :) Thank you for your wonderful work w/EFA, we are all here to support you!

  2. May you and the land heal soon dear Friend. You have all been through so much. Sky and I have plans to raise a little money for you in his shop and I think it's fitting that some cats happen to be involved.

    Lots of Love,


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