Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brizel's Organic Dried Apple Treat samplers are out & about !

Brizel's Organic Dried Apple Treat samplers were sent out last week... a snack bag full... mailed out to companion critters of the rat, chinchilla, rabbit, squirrel, chipmunk persuasion as well to equine and aviary pets too.

Our first test sample arrived in Montana ahead of the others... home of Tooey and his person: Patty of CatCalls and DogBarks.... here is what the magnificent guinea pig reports...

... if you want to hear what they are saying...
pause blog music: player located at the bottom of page

Organic Dried Apple Treats will shortly be available at Brizel4TheAnimals on Etsy... as soon as I get all the packaging / labeling together. 

I have just received the bags which the apple treats will be packaged in- they are like a coffee bag, eco made & biodegradable too (just in case the pet gets a hold of the bag). 

Pls note: I will not be doing plastic ziplock bags- i only did that with the sample testers... sadly i understand that plastic bags can be detrimental to our fur friends so we wont be taking that risk.

I'm hoping by October 1st at the latest, I can get these yummy Organic Dried Apple Treats listed into Brizel4TheAnimals and by the way... these ARE a treat your critter can share with YOU as they are human grade !

Yum yum - nibble nibble !

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Zippy Zip, Le Hero...

If you haven't met Zippy Zip yet... today is a good day to show him off and to sing high praises to our kitty boy !

There used to be a day when all the animals that looked to me for extra tlc were felines and now as things are- Zippy Zip is 'it' in our spacious household in the wilderness. He choose us many years ago- having been abandoned by his previous owner... White Cat, as he was known in those days came up to Twilight to investigate. 

White Cat, 2003

In those days- all the feline girls (Tillie, Chelsea, Tammy) had gone except for Tara who was clocking in her 18th year with me. 

The new canine patrol: Nimue and Merlin had arrived with the dawning of the Spring... and Moonstone had patiently waited at the vets for me to adopt him as well. He was our newest kitty resident... attempting to snuggle up to 18 yr old Tara who simply was not interested in doing that at all.

One dark night... i heard a cat argument outside. Shining my flashlight in the big outdoors, I found Moonstone speaking words of wisdom to White Cat. An unusual occurrence since I had never seen this cat before. 

I asked the stranger if he had noticed our NO vacancy sign and told him that if he needed food to return in the morning. Three days later, he returned and Moonstone was smitten by the kitten. 

Moonstone adopts White Cat, 2003

I called up my neighbor to inquire and she knew all about White Cat since it was their neighbor who had abandoned the little guy. She had just taken White Cat to the vet to get him neutered and vaccinated and she said it was fine with her if White Cat wanted to move in with us since she had her own cat crew to take care of. So... White Cat chose to stay and became Zippy Zip and best buds with Moonstone. 

That was 9 years ago... Tara, Moonstone & Nimue are gone now but Zippy Zip and Merlin are still here... and of course, Dingo is too... she came along shortly after the Zippy master.

So... here we are in the today and the special occasion is... celebrating Zippy's rise to King-ness. The prince is now King... or at least a full fledge Knight.

Zippy this morning,  2012

This boy-king slew a rattle snake yesterday and won, with no injury to himself. Instead... he completely severed the snake head and left the whole thing for me to find in his Mighty presence not far from our front door... WOW !

May his tail continue to entertain him 
for years to come...


THANK YOU, Mighty Zip
for without you... one of us 
surely may have come to harm !

Sunday, September 9, 2012

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